Inspiring Prayers

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10 Responses to “Inspiring Prayers”

  1. Gumersindo M Gonzales says:

    Like it very nice Prayer

  2. Gomer Gonzales says:

    This Prayer is suited to my life.

  3. Janicia Antoine says:

    love this its very inspirational

  4. Santosh says:

    please pray for my mother she is HIV positive.

  5. We will keep her in our prayers. If you ever need anything just ask. We are here for you day or night. God Bless, Michael Young

  6. QC says:

    please pray for my family and friends and co-workers!!

  7. QC says:

    pls! post more inspiring prayers

  8. Jamie Dietsch says:

    Love your site man keep up the good work

  9. Dennis says:

    Pray for me to find my way to true happiness. Pray for my family and colleagues as well.

  10. Teresa says:

    I need Abba Fathers Jesus peace in my life amen

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